Copy & Paste Text

Copying text from a website, word doc or from a text box in one of our templates, you’ll need to use your computer’s shortcut keys on your keyboard.

Please see below how to paste the text into a text box in your design, you’ll need to click on the text box in our editor and then place your cursor in the spot within your text box that you’d like to paste, all you have to do is use your computers shortcut keys on the keyboard to paste.

Shortcut keys:

COPY TEXT – use the shortcut keys on your keyboard to copy your text:

(PC users press Ctrl + C)
(Mac users press Command key ⌘ + C)

PASTE TEXT – use the shortcut keys on your keyboard to paste your text:

(PC users press Ctrl + V)
(Mac users press Command key ⌘ + V)

Here is a quick video to help